  • Randy's Rescue Ranch

Randy's Rescue Ranch Hay Drive

Randy's Rescue Ranch Hay Drive 

Last Chance Alert: Facebook Fundraiser 

This winter, we need your support more than ever. Our annual hay drive is here, and it's also our last fundraiser on Facebook's platform as they're phasing out this way of raising funds. 

At Randy's Rescue Ranch, we're on a mission to fill our barns with two months' worth of hay to ensure the well-being of our precious rescues - horses and cattle who've found a safe haven here.

Help us raise $5,000 to feed our furry friends and keep them cozy throughout the chilly months. This is your final opportunity to give in this convenient way.

Imagine the satisfaction of knowing you've played a crucial role in ensuring these beautiful souls won't go hungry during winter. Let's make this farewell to Facebook fundraising a memorable one. 

Join us in providing warmth, nourishment, and love to the animals at Randy's Rescue Ranch. Every contribution counts, and every heart touched by your kindness is a victory.

Visit our website or contact us to donate and learn more about our cause. Let's make this winter a season of comfort and compassion for these incredible beings.

Thank you for being a part of our mission, especially in this farewell to Facebook's fundraising platform. Your support means the world to us! 

Donation Progress

Donation Progress Chart


Measurement Value
Goal Amount $5,000.00
Raised Amount $0.00
Total # of Donations 0
Average Donation Value $0.00

Your Donation Amount


If you would like to donate by mail: Please make checks payable to "Randy's Rescue Ranch" located at 1422 E Hwy 50 O'Fallon, IL 62269.

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